It's always been my "dream" (or something like that) to work with the music. I´m a musician, and I know that getting paid for play it´s really attractive. However, I dont´´t think that the music can sustain my life... at least not all of it.
Now, in fact, I have always thought that the scene and the play it's not everything in music. Moreover, the most important thing in music it´s not the show... the show it´s a detail. the real relevance of music is it capacity to create culture, cultural flow in the terrain, and between the people. The music can create cultural resistance and identity. The power of "reunion" of the music it´s one of it´s most important properties.

I don´t really understand how can be this possible, and how many i need to know to be succesfull. but I imagine me working with the people, maybe in a neighborhood cousin, or by part of the municipality, but always thinking in solve problems with a cultural perspective... understanding all the things that are in this perspective.Culture is not just culture, and it´s not just art neither. The culture its composed by all the actions of the people, and the way that they understand their own cosmovition. the culture it´s mutable, and much more today with the technology at disposal of the people. and the massive access to information... the culture changes... and our choices change. I recomend to chek Terry Eagleton´s work, it´s very interesting, and also, Paulo Freire's "La Pedagogía del oprimido", where they talk all about this topics, and also education, for example.
In this sense I'll love to work in a school, with kids... work in education, or make classes or workshops about music, culture and policy.
But maybe the thing that I want most it´s imagine myself as a culture manager, or something similar. And i will love, for example, that the event production organizaton in wich I take part, could work, and have the capacity to bring us economic sustain, and we can work creating concerts, and culture in a bigger scale each time.
Greetings! and remember,
"The dreams do come true"
- M.D.T